This question was posed on a radio station, and I am curious as to how you would answer. How we answer is a vital look into our understanding of the Gospel.
Consider this; one person called in and answered the question pointing to the type of person they were before they came to Christ, and his answer was that God saved him from those things. Another answer given was that God saved them from some horrendous event in their life. Lastly someone answered stating God saved them from their sin.
All these answers may be true to some degree, but are they really getting at the heart of the question? When we speak of God saving people, we are speaking of salvation, so with that in mind, what does salvation save us from? In reality there is only one answer. God has saved us from… God.
That may seem a bit odd to say, but it is true. Salvation is about dealing with the sin in our lives. Without salvation, we would be justly required to endure the righteous wrath of God for eternity. But God, through His Son, has saved us from His own wrath.
Some might argue that the third answer given by the radio listener was correct, but it is not. God did not save us from sin. Instead, he saved us from the resulting judgment caused by our sin. It is true that one day we will be totally freed from the bondage of sin in this flesh, but that is not the full or proper understanding of salvation.
One final observation. The first two answers I found to be disturbing. If people think this is what the Gospel is about, then we as proclaimers of the Gospel have not presented the message clearly enough, or we have failed to make sure our hearers truly understand the Gospel. We need to be sure to communicate that salvation is not about having a better life, it is about dealing with the sin in our lives. All other aspects of the Gospel are secondary to this most important facet.