Sunday, February 22, 2009

I Feel So Good

The third in a series of old posts from my previous blog.

Thanks to a friend, I was directed to an article in Newsweek called Happiness: Enough Already that I found to be very interesting.  Apparently too much happiness is bad for our health.  We all need a little more depression in our lives.  Imagine what would happen to love songs if the song writers paid more attention to the article... ok, scary thought!

However, there is some truth to what they are saying.  If we were all happy 100% of the time, life would be stagnant and boring.  After all, what would there be to gossip about??? But then, wouldn't that result in our being dissatisfied with life and therefore we would become unhappy?  Maybe complete happiness 100% of the time is not even possible.

Contrary to social gospel preachers, it is nice to know that while the Bible does not offer euphoric unending happiness, it does offer a sense of joy and peace that is beyond explanation.  Maybe because the weight of sin and guilt has been lifted?...

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.

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