Friday, June 26, 2009

The Authority of God

These are extended quotes from an article by Richard L. Mayhue (citation at the bottom). One question I ask is from where do we get our authority? From where does God gain his authority?

...with a biblical worldview, original authority and ultimate authority reside with God and God alone. God did not inherit His authority--there was no one to bequeth it to Him. God did not receive His authority--there was no one to bestow it on Him. God's authority did not come by way of an election--there was no one to vote for Him. God did not seize His authority--there was no one to steal it from. God did not earn His authority--it was already His. God inherently embodies authority because He is the great "I AM" (Exod 3:14; John 8:58)

Where did God come from? He came from nowhere! The reason God came from nowhere is that there was nowhere for Him to come from. Coming from nowhere, He stood on nothing. The reason He had to stand on nothing is there was nowhere for Him to stand. and standing on nothing, He reached out where there was nowhere to reach and caught something where there was nothing to catch and hung something on nothing and He told it to stay there. Now standing on nothing, He took the hammer of His own will; He struck the anvil of His omnipotence and sparks flew. He caught them on the tips of His fingers, flung them out into space and bedecked the heaven with stars, but no one said a word. The reason no one said anything is that there was nobody there to say anything. So God Himself said, 'That is very good.'

Mayhue, Richard L. “The Authority of Scripture.” Master’s Seminary Journal. 15 no 2 Fall 2004 p 227-236.
First quote - pg 228
Second quote pg 229 footnoted with this note: S.M. Lockridge as quoted by permission in Richard Mayhue, Seeking God (Fearn, Ross-shire, Great Britan: Christian Focus, 2000) 186.

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